Saturday, November 15, 2008

Concept to Cash

How do you convert the 'concept' of Leveraged Retailing® to 'CA$H?'

Simple. Here is a 2-3 hour, fun filled answer.

1. Invite Distributors over for Classes, Training.
2. Make a GREAT cheat sheet.*
3. Do Class with your team.
4. Eat Pizza, critique, workbook about classes together
5. Do it again**
6 Eat Ice Cream, critique, workbook about classes together
7. Do it again**
8. Drink coffee, critique, workbook about classes together
9. Book Classes at the homes of reps you just trained with

* Cheat Sheet ~ Inside the training you will find the 11 Principles of High Retail Volume. THE ARE CRITICAL. Don't worry about remembering all of them. Use a Glimpse Brochure to 'cheat' by writing the things you need to do to execute the 11 principles. Examples in work book found at [BTW - a BIG BIG thanks for Dave Watjen for great editing job on workbook ~ thanks Dave]

** Do it again ~ Take Turns. One of the best ways to learn is to teach.
Switch off in the middle of the presentation with others who want to try. Create your cheat sheets and compare them.

Once you do one or two of these with reps a LIGHT BULB will go off in your head ~ you'll see how simple they are and by doing them with reps 4 great things will happen.

1. You will get better
2. You will book classes at homes of reps for 'real' guests
3. Reps who have not ordered Glimpse will.
4. Learning & Socializing together builds a dynamic into your team that is priceless

Have fun, relax, its easy and people LOVE it.

mark j

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